zope.file and zope.html will be removed from the ztk as they do not seem
fundamental to the toolkit.
Work will continue for the other “under-review” packages.
Work will continue on implementing the decided packages policy in the ZTK.
Zope2’s next release will be an alpha next week. The final is target
somewhere in september/october. Conceptually this new Zope2
release will be based on ZTK 1.0.
Decide on process for new feature versions and the process for going from
1.1.0 alpha to a final.
The upgrade versions buildbot updates to non-final releases, it shouldn’t.
Example: zc.recipe.egg=1.2.3b2 # was: 1.2.2 [ccomb?]
Make an alpha release and document the release procedure.
Tres Seaver posted a matrix depicting what ZTK packages are in use by what
frameworks. Each of the representatives will review the list of packages all
three frameworks use. When putting the results together, this should result
in a cleaned up ztk.cfg and zopeapp.cfg.
[ccomb, hannosch, j-w]