This package provides an API to create integer ids for any object. Later objects can be looked up by their id as well. This functionality is commonly used in situations where dealing with objects is undesirably, such as in search indices or any code that needs an easy hash of an object.


3.7.3 (unreleased)

  • Bug fix: ensure that the IntId utility never generates ids greater than the maxint of the BTree family being used.

3.7.2 (2009-12-27)

  • Use the zope.component API in favor of ztapi.
  • Removed dependency.

3.7.1 (2009-05-18)

  • Remove dependencies on zope.container. Instead import Object*Event classes from zope.lifecycleevent and import IContained from zope.location. In order to be able to do this, depend on zope.lifecycleevent>=3.5.2 and zope.location>=3.5.4.
  • Remove a dependency on zope.container.contained.Contained (this is a dumb base class that defines __parent__ and __name__ as None and declares that the class implements IContained).

3.7.0 (2009-02-01)

  • Split out this package from The latter one now only contains browser views and compatibility imports while whole IntId functionality is moved here.