This package define interfaces of container components, and provides sample container implementations such as a BTreeContainer and OrderedContainer.
Remove long-time deprecated IContentContainer class.
We now rely on a new package called zope.container, which contains the basic implementation of zope.container and is intended to have less dependencies. We have gone through a wide range of packages and updated their dependencies to point to zope.container so that they will also have less indirect dependencies.
For backwards compatibility we have left the original modules in in place and have placed imports to make sure the symbols exist in their original locations.
Reimplemented the BTreeContainer so that it directly accesses the btree methods (removed an old #TODO)
Removed usage of deprecated LayerField.
Made C code compatible with Python 2.5 on 64bit architectures.
Fixed bug: Error thrown during __setitem__ for an ordered container leaves bad key in order
Fixed, Error with unicode traversing
Fixed The Adding menu is sorted with translated item by using a collator (better localized sorting)
Fixed The setitem's size modification is now done in setitemf: setting an existing item does not change the size, and the event subscribers should see the new size instead of the old size.